It's an iPhone bound life

Hello everyone
I'm going to talk about how I use my I phone. Yes, lots of people talk about using an I phone, but this is a little different. Believe it or not, I don't have a working computer. My computer crashed a year and a half ago. Because of this, as the title of this entry states, its an iPhone bound life, for me anyways.
When you are technically inclined like I am, its hard to do things without a computer. You have to do without things, and find iPhone alternatives to things I could do with a pc. All in all, you just gotta make do. Its easy to find iPhone alternatives to lots of things. Some of these work better than the computer equivalents. Some just can't substitute the pc. For example, web browsing is difficult on the iPhone because of bugs in voice over. It can be done. Though. Voice chatting is easy on the iPhone. There's kakao talk for that. As far as games go, there's a vast variety of games out there and I have quite a few. Voice recording is easy on the phone. It even sounds better that way. After explaining all this, one may ask why I would want my computer back? Well, being iPhone bound isn't easy. Yes, there are different ways of doing things, but there are obstacles to overcome and things I just can't do at all. For instance, one of the biggest problems I have is typing. There is Fleksy and dictation, but they have limits. There is no substitute for plain typing on a keyboard. I can type on the phone, but it takes longer. Another and big obstacle I had to overcome is web browsing. There are multiple voice over issues with browsing. It can be done with patience and a couple workarounds. The biggest hurdle I encountered was finding a web host and starting this site. Most of these providers had switches captchas on the registration page. Because of this, I couldn't use their services. On a pc, there is an add on that solves captchas. There is no such thing on the iPhone. I was at a dead end road until I decided to remodel a site and make this one from it. Making a website on the phone can be simple if you know what you're doing. I use a content management system called drupal. It allows me to manage my site right on my phone. To be honest, even after utilizing these adaptations, I still miss my computer. I can't broadcast, I can't program songs with dectalk, a speech synthesizer, and I am limited when it comes to audio production. Overall, like going blind, doing things with only a smart phone is tough, but doable.. Like losing your sight, you just have to adapt and find ways to make it easy for you. I'm not feeling sorry for myself as I write this, and I don't need for others to feel bad for me either. I'm just explaining my situation for those that want to know.

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