grandpa, strange dreams, and... other stuff.

I havent blogged in a little while. In my last entry, I talked about being a care giver to my grandpa. For a while, I still was. about a month after my last entry, he became bed ridden. he was totally dependent on Grandma and I. he slowly declined. He was often confused, and not really there. His breatheing worsend as well. As of the beginning of june, he stopped eating. From what the hospis nurse described, he was going through a transition process.
During the process, his body was shutting down. His heart pounded, his breatheing was more labored, and his motor functions was limited at best. I can remember his last night very clearly. He was having trouble breatheing and hospis proscribed anxiety medication. He began to feel relaxed and he was not with it. He would look around at things that we couldn't see. From what we believe, a loved one is sent to take the diing to the other side. I wouldn't really call it flash backs, but I am always thinking about his last day with us. Grandpa and I were very close. He was like my best friend. I can't describe how I felt after his passing.
Not only am I sad, and even a little happy for him, I have been having some very strange dreams. I can recall a dream back on july 5th. In the dream, we were at grandma's. I was in the bedroom on the phone with my best friend. Mom asked me to come in the kitchen. when I went in the kitchen, I haeard some noises. I heard glasses clanging footsteps and coffing. Grandpa aproached me and gave me a hug. I smiled and said, "grandpa, you're alive?" I questioned him about where he came from. To my knowledge, he was passed away. I asked him how he got here and what was heaven like. He wouldn't tell me anything. The way he was in this dream was just like when I was little. He was happy and healthy. The only difference was he was 6 foot tall. After grandpa talked with my family and I he said something strange. he said "I've got to go. It's about time."
A few minutes later, a young man appeared. He told Grandpa it was time to go. This next part makes me cry just thinking about it. I told Grandpa, don't go! Can't you come back. Without anything else being said, grandpa and the young man vanished. When I woke up, I didn't know what to think. The dream felt so real. It felt like grandpa was right there in front of me. I discussed this with my best friend. She thought that I may not have been dreaming. She thought that grandpa came to me in his own way. While I was doing my daily walk, my best friend did some research. From what she found, people from the spirit world can come to you in dreams.
this web site
Since then, i still have dreams about grandpa. They're not quite as vivid, but they all start with him appearing out of nowhere, us spending time with him, and grandpa vanishing. Anyway, I just wanted to share my experiences. Let me know what you think in the comments.

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