My computer's back, what's next!

Hello everyone! It's been ages since I've updated anything on here. I have some exciting news. As of Thursday, December 11, 2014, my computer is back from being repaired! I am a very happy girl right now. I have most of my favorite programs installed at the moment and soon things will be back like they were before August 24, 2012, when my computer went down with a smash. I can remember that night like it was last month. I was getting ready to do some automation for my old internet radio station, KJM Online when it happened. This brings me to another thing I want to talk about. My computer's up, what comes next? Will I be an audio girl again? Well, the short answer is quite possibly. The long answer is, there are some things that have to be done before I am ready to broadcast and produce audio,.
As far as dectalk goes, I'll have to find the dectalk software I used back then. One problem, the website where I found the files has been down for a while. However, I could ask someone on the dectalk mailing list I'm a part of. I have lots of ideas in mind from a dectalk skit derived from the famous twilight series, to finishing the mysterious celeste productions I have been wanting to do. The only thing is, not only will I need the dectalk software, I'll also need an audio production program as well. Most of these programs are pricy, so I'll have to find a free solution. Maybe wave pad? I'll have to see.
As far as broadcasting goes, that's going to be a harder goal to accomplish. There are so many factors involved from broadcasting software to finding the right station to finding time to do a show. Finding a broadcast program shouldn't be that hard. There's always winamp and sam encoders. That should do for now. Finding the write internet radio station could take some time. The places I broadcasted two years ago have shut down. I have a couple in mind.

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