2014, looking back on last year's happenings

Hello fellow readers.
Since the new year has begun, I'd like to take time to look back at the old year. I'll look at the good, the bad, what I accomplished and what my hopes are for the year to come.
Let's start at the beginning of last year. It was a rough time. As stated in my previous entries, my grandpa was diagnosed with cancer about 3 years ago. In January of 2014, he began to go down hill. He was mostly bedridden. He needed a lot of care from grandma and I. It was stressful, and also rewarding. Grandma and I did the best we could for grandpa. During the time grandpa was ill, I have decided to rekindle a relationship I had with an x-boyfriend back in 2012. The relationship started out great, but I learned that this wasn't the right time for a boyfriend. I had other responsibilities like work and grandpa, and I wasn't around enough eventhough I tried to be. The time we were together was brief and I think we realized we weren't meant for each other. In june 18th, my grandpa finally went up to heaven. This was very hard for all of us. We were so close to grandpa, and I think taking care of him brought us closer. To be honest, I still haven't gotten over Grandpa's passing to this day. Things got a little easier after that. My best friend came over for the summer and we had a great time. In september, I started back to work. As far as work goes, this year is much better than last. I have three students now. I am really enjoying working with them. Another good thing that happened was that grandma found a new house. She's been wanting to move for a while. I hope she loves her new place. I sure do.
Over all, 2014 had it's good and bad moments. I really learned a lot going through the things I went through. I learned to always appreciate my family and never take them or their good health for granted. I also learned to keep working hard, even when the going gets tough. I believe that the things you go through help you learn and grow. For example, if grandpa wasn't sick, I wouldn't have been blessed with the duty to take care of him. I have a lot of things to be thankful for and the lord has blessed my family and I with a lot.
There are some things I'd like to happen in the new year. I'd love to get paid for my work. I love working on a voluntary basis, but working a part time job would be good for me. I really want to have this happen. I also want to lose more weight. I also want to grow closer to god. I know my family, especially grandpa are proud of me, and hopefully I can make them prouder.

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